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The English name of gold in Minecraft


In Minecraft, gold is a very important resource. It can be used to make various tools, weapons, armor and decorations, and can also be used for trading. So what is the English name for gold in Minecraft?

Gold in Minecraft

Gold is a valuable and rare resource in Minecraft. It can be found deep underground or mined from Nether quartz ore blocks in the Nether. Gold has many uses in the game, including making golden apples, powered rails, and clocks.

Mining gold in Minecraft

To mine gold in Minecraft, you will need an iron or diamond pickaxe. Gold ore blocks are found deep underground (below layer 32) and can be mined with a pickaxe to obtain one to three pieces of raw gold. You can then smelt the raw gold in a furnace to obtain ingots.

Using gold in Minecraft

Gold has many uses in Minecraft. It can be crafted into golden apples, which provide instant health and regeneration effects when eaten. Gold ingots can also be used to make powered rails for minecart transportation systems, as well as clocks for keeping track of time.

Trading with gold in Minecraft

Gold is also used as a currency in Minecraft, as it can be traded with villagers for various items and resources. You can use gold ingots to trade with blacksmiths, who may offer valuable items such as enchanted armor or weapons.


In summary, gold is an important resource in Minecraft that has many uses and can be obtained through mining. Its English name in the game is simply "gold", and it can also be used as a currency for trading with villagers.



